The Internet is Not Permanent

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

There has been recent concern about the speed of the internet, the promise of access to a vast amount of information, and a reliance on the internet and computers, and, that if these needs and expectations continue to increase there is a large possibility the the world system will crash.

In a recent article published by The New York Times, the founders of the company known as Arista Networks, discussed their uneasiness with the quick expansion of technology and speed of technology. The article discussed that people are now able to pour civilization online in the forms of Facebook posts, video chats, music, and so much more; and now just about all of this information is available via phone, tablets, etc. With so much information, business, and news conducted using the listed networks in the article, there is great danger in the loss of it all.

There have already been numerous recent occurances of networks shutting down for several hours to repair their networks--it has happened on too many occasions to count at Simpson College. One of the founders stated that Americans, as well as many others, think of the internet as a permanent thing that will always be there, simply because we rely so heavily on it; but, he makes it clear that the internet is not a certain resource. Furthermore, there is the risk of halting commerce, destroying financial records or enabling hostile attacks because nearly everything is conducted online.

I found this article extremely alarming because as we speak, I am using the internet to complete this blog. So much of the world's information and communication with one another, and other countries, is conducted through the internet. And, with the move of news from print to the internet, it is alarming to think that all communication with other countries, as well as being able to receive could come to a complete standstill from the crash of networks worldwide.


Premature Tweeting

A recent article posted to brought to light that some news corporations are getting upset with journalists who use social media to report news to early.

The article focused on Brian Stelter's criticism of the Associate Press' guideline requiring its journalists not to break news before it reports it.

Stelter makes the point that the journalists shouldn't have to wait for their respective news outlets to publish news in order to report on it.

He criticizes that the wire should react faster and I couldn't agree more.

The news should be reported swiftly and accurately. If both these terms can be met there is no reason not to publish.

What appears to be the biggest concern with journalist publishing news before their employers is that it undermines the employer.

Big news argues that the journalists they employ are serving to promote their own brand instead of the companies.

However, they wouldn't have this problem if the news organization worked to publish quicker.

It would give the journalist a better chance to link to news sources and increase visitors to their websites and other pages.


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