Media Matters

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

By: Kelsey Knutson

After the third debate is finally over, we can all breathe a sigh of relief - kind of. 

McCain and Obama went at it again Wednesday night battling over the economy and taxes on national television. The national stage was a media hot spot and just another opportunity for each candidate to get their voices out there before this November's election.

Not only are the debates an opportunity for media attention and a chance in the spotlight go gain attraction, but the many ads and commercials that have been aired recently show the significance of the media and the effect it plays on voters' opinions.

The way a news story is portrayed in the media (be it Fox News or CNN) the bias or lack there of can effect the the way a vote goes.

McCain and Obama have effectively been using the media to get there messages heard this election season. Each candidate has spent millions of dollars on television ads just so the average American can catch a glimpse of them everyday, and also so they hear what they have to say. 

The candidates have worked hard and have done a great job, but let's hear it for the press who have been working twice as hard to bring YOU the news. 


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