His Charisma score is at least 20!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

by Peter Merchlewitz

In case you've been hiding under a rock for the past 24 hours, a rather historical event occurred last night, and many people are saying that Barack Obama's acceptance speech last night was one of the best that the American people have heard in a long time. Not to mention that he's one damn fine speaker in his own right.

Perhaps Obama's strongest point within the speech was his referral to a 106-year-old, Ann Nixon Cooper. Using the woman from Atlanta life as a metaphor to show how much America has gone through in at least 100 years brings a glimmer of hope, knowing that we've gone through two World Wars, woman's rights, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, placed a man on the moon, and of course, segregation.

During Obama's acceptance speech last night, I couldn't help but notice that my entire fraternity house was dead silent, save the many TVs tuned into CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News. And while I was sitting there, watching Obama use his gift of the gab, I realized that since all the TVs each had their own delay of sound, it gave the emulation of hearing the speech live at Grand Park in Chicago, giving it a feel of Martin Luther's "I Have A Dream" speech, or JFK's "City on a Hill" speeche.

Truly, there was history made last night.


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