Is Yahoo a Better Friend to Newspapers Than Google?

Friday, September 11, 2009

By Laura Reid

Newspapers are saying that Yahoo has a more deeper relationship with newspapers than Google does. Both groups have links and sites to maps and newspapers, which helps readers when searching through both sites, but for newspapers, the relationship that Yahoo has made with many of the newspaper companies, known as the consortium, has made the companies favor Yahoo more, and use Yahoo's behaviorally focused ads, known as interest-based ads, some getting good results. Newspaper companies also feel that Google is unfairly making money off of their content.

But Google's news and ads drive more viewers to them than to Yahoo. While Google is developing more links and applications on their sites, newspaper owners feel that they are not getting the payoff for what they use.

While newspapers want to transition from paper to web, this competition for clients with these web companies are causing problems with those viewers that use them. While Yahoo is more cooperative to work with newspaper companies, Google is the site that draws more viewers and more money, even if the newspapers are not receiving all the benefits. Being able to make money off of the internet is becoming a problem for many companies, and the fact that a billion dollar company like Google doesn't want to share the wealth is a little daunting to me.


vosmegle September 13, 2009 at 11:44 AM  

This is an interesting post. One would think that the majority of newspapers would use google since it is the most popular site. You think that google would make their prices reasonable so they would have more clients. But google pretty much the most popular site. No one hears much about or uses sites like or for search engines much nowadays.

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