Some Parents Oppose Obama School Speech

Friday, September 4, 2009

By Laura Reid

How amazing are some citizens of America, where they will risk the education of their children, America's future, to take them out of school because the President of the United States would like to talk to them about staying in school? How Ironic.

Just an exaggeration, I don't think missing one day of school will do alot of harm to the kids, but missing school because someone that "We the People" elected is encouraging them to not miss school and work hard is simply outrageous.

Is this in response to what is going on with the healthcare reform, or are conservatives just being big meanieheads and don't want to listen to the person that is trying to make their lives better? Personally, if I had a child living in a time where I wasn't very fond of out president, I wouldn't punish my child by not letting him or her go to school because someone, and not just anyone, the President of the United States, is going to personally tell them to stay in school. I want my child to join the cult of higher education.


Taylor Finch September 5, 2009 at 8:03 PM  

I completely agree with you, Laura! I think it is ridiculous how some can be so ignorant. They cannot change the president now. No one can. So really, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Honestly, do you really want to teach your children to runaway? I personnally feel that any president is a good president who wants to have educated youth in our country. Is that not what anyone could wish for their children? Obviously not. Good point Laura.

The News About The News September 6, 2009 at 11:48 AM  

I went and read the article you wrote on, Laura, and I think that article was a great example of a one-sided story. I feel as if it was trying to make conservatives sound like the bad people. But I agree with both of you - I know when I was in school, we got out of class for pep rallies or gone to assemblies for things much less educational than this.

The News About The News September 7, 2009 at 11:31 AM  

I feel as though there could have been a different way for Obama to reach out to the students. Taking them out of school for a day could possibly give students the wrong impression. "Our president takes us out of class for a day, so why not skip one day?" It always begins somewhere. As president Obama should take greater steps to reaching out to the students of the nation and create a seriousness of attending school.

Michelle Zimmerman

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