David Letterman Tells All

Sunday, October 4, 2009

By Michelle Zimmerman

David Letterman's "The Late Show" had a different atmosphere Thursday evening when Letterman made a public announcement of a serious circumstance he had recently become involved with. Letterman made public of the attempt of blackmail by a suspect unknown at the time.

Letterman told the audience and its viewers in a very serious matter that he had been approached by a producer that was going to take bad information they had gathered throughout the past years about Letterman that could ruin his family, career and all together his life.

Complying with this unknown suspect, Letterman sent his attorney to meet with them and get a better understanding of what the obloigation was. The attorney discovers the suspect is going to write a book as well as a screenplay that would reveal unwanted information of Letterman unless Letterman was to pay him $2 million.

In defense Letterman contacted Manhattan's district attorney's office where he learned that the situation he was involved in was considered blackmail. The office advised him to give a fraudulent check for the amount being demanded and follow through with trial to testify Letterman's involvement.

Letterman then testified to the grand jury telling all of his sexual relationships with multiple women on his staff. Letterman admitted to being embarassed by the encounters but made it clear that if anyone wished to speak to the public of the relationship it would be their personal decision.

Making this announcement on television was an easy way for Letterman to say everything he needed to and clear any accusations that may formulate in the press once the charges are made public. Although Letterman was serious about the situation it still did not stop him from threading comedy throughout the revealing "tell all" speech.


ChrisMars515 October 4, 2009 at 7:41 PM  

This is a sad story to read for all parties involved. Even if Letterman comes out on top his brand has still been tarnished. Even though it is a few years past, the truth seems to always surface.

Amy Johnson October 6, 2009 at 7:36 PM  

I can't believe the one night of last week that I missed Letterman, this bombshell was dropped. I feel for his wife and child. I agree that it just goes to show that the truth always comes out.

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