Social Now Does More Than Socialize

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We all know that Twitter and Facebook link people to the world of communication as to what is going on out there. They are more geared toward playing games and talking with people, but now are being used to support crises response efforts by FEMA, DHS, fire, and police departments. An example of this is in 2009 two girls were trapped in a storm sewer and used their phones to updated the status of their condition and their friends notified the authorities so they could receive help.

Facebook is inexpensive which makes it easier for groups to get involved with this program and everyone is already on Facebook now so why not add more people and ones that can provide help. It is also flexible which entitles there to be all different types of apps. besides just games and other social things. In emergencies Facebook can be used to notify families of what is going on. However, it could also result in identify left or robbery of people by hacking into their information. Along with this people are now turning to e-mail and forms of social media to report emergencies in stead of dialing 9-1-1 because they feel they will get through quick. That is not the case because most data centers can't accept date from the social medias.

It's crazy to think that we used to have to use verbal communication in cases of crises or emergency and now we can just use our phones and tweet what is going on or post a status if there is a problem. Our world has changed so much and will continue doing so.


Candra Chamberlain September 14, 2010 at 12:35 PM  

It's also sort of scary to think that everyone is going to be relying so heavily on technology that no one will know what to do if the technology stops working.

And why didn't the two girls just call 911 as opposed to posting it on Facebook? It seems to me that if you have a signal to send a message, you'd have signal enough to call for help.

Erin Guzmán September 14, 2010 at 9:18 PM  

I agree, we do rely heavily on every sort of way. Education, communication, entertainment...the list can go on. And when we can't get on the internet we have meltdowns...

I have a bunch of mixed feelings about this because, while I very much enjoy the technological advances of the present day, wouldn't it be 'simpler' if we didn't have to worry about them? You have all these issues about copyright and people saying/doing nasty things...and we can all access it with one click. --With the advance came the desensitization of a lot evils that could otherwise be avoided. I'm not saying that we shouldn't acknowledge these things that are happening, but as much as we're 'moving forward' I feel like we may also be regressing in other ways.

--& those girls should have just called for help...Facebook does not = 911.

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