Five Ways To Read The Paper And Keep Your Sanity Intact

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Today's newspapers are filled with negative articles. Huffington Post lays out five ways to read the paper and crack a smile while reading some depressing articles.

First method is to read the headline and add naked at the end of it. This allows readers just to smile.

Second method the foreign press, which is reading the newspaper backwards. In doing this readers stay away from the more depressing articles up front in the newspapers.

The escapist method is basically taking the newspaper and turning it into modern art.
The Jon Stewart Method is pretending to write for the Daily Show. This method is to joke around with the news to lighten the mood of the article.

The last method is the hamster, which is using the newspapers as a way to catch the droppings in its cage.

These methods show that the newspaper is dieing and becoming boring. The newspaper is boring and these methods are trying to lighten the mood of the depressing news.


Rachel Smith December 6, 2011 at 5:05 PM  

I'm not sure if these methods confirm newspapers are boring or dying off. I think the Huffington Post is simply poking fun at people who open a newspaper and expect to see only happy, heart-warming articles. The newspaper reflects what is happening in the world, and right now there's many scandals and wars happening. I think these methods are basically for fun and don't wholly symbolize what's happening in the world of news.

Cait December 6, 2011 at 5:40 PM  

This is really funny and I will probably definatly try this method when reading the newspaper. I do feel that its full of negative responses to the world's events and just drolls on and on about such matters. With these methods I believe people may be more interested in reading the paper.

RCastenson December 6, 2011 at 8:49 PM  

I think this is a great way to read the paper. It is very true that news/ newspapers are very depressing and negative. All you hear about is deaths, accidents, debt, and nasty rumors spread about people. So by keeping yourself sane and staying positive I think it is a great way to use these tips and out do the negative newspapers.

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