Skype and Facebook???
Monday, November 29, 2010
Rumors are growing that Facebook and Skype are joining forces.
Apparently Facebook is considering adding the capability for its users to video chat with their Facebook friends via Skype or by creating their own video chat system that is compatible with Skype.
According to an article by Vadim Lavrusik, speculation has recently been renewed by Facebook application developer Tal Ater and it may be more than just a rumor. Many believe that this video chat application may be closer to reality than in the past.
One rumor that is making the rounds is that Facebook is already testing this feature with certain users to see how it works. This rumor however has not been confirmed as of this posting.
In all this appears to be just another effort on Facebook's behalf to integrate itself even more with other social media services.
Video chat could be very interesting for Facebook. Especially considering that users could see family or friends that live far away. Video would make Facebook even more attractive than it already is.
Facebook is already arguably the top social media outlet today and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Adding more and more features for its users would make Facebook even bigger than it already is.
I am all for a video chat feature on Facebook. I feel that it would be a very exciting feature and I would definitely be willing to try it. Now I know that I have been known to be critical of certain social media in previous blog posts but that is because I don't see a lot of use for some of the things that are out there.
However I feel that video chat would be convenient and effective on Facebook. This would actually be something that I would use and would be all for. I guess it is just a waiting game for now until Facebook adds this long rumored feature.
Image courtesy of Flickr, Jay Cameron