MLB's Media Dress Code
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
No closed-toe shoes, no pants, no reporting.
According to ESPN W, Major League Baseball released a what not to wear list for reporters. Banned clothing includes visible undergarments, flip flops, muscle shirts, short skirts, tank tops or anything with a team logo.
It is a shame that the MLB had to take actions into its own hands. This dress code shouldn't be necessary.
If any of the banned items were worn in the office, the employee wearing said clothing would be considered unprofessional and in need of changing room. Just because journalists are on the sidelines or at a training camp doesn't mean that they can let professionalism stop at the cubicle.
Real world reporting may have a more relaxed look to it, but journalists are still on the clock. Their attire should reflect their professionalism.
Photo by Paleontour