MLB's Media Dress Code

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No closed-toe shoes, no pants, no reporting.

According to ESPN W, Major League Baseball released a what not to wear list for reporters. Banned clothing includes visible undergarments, flip flops, muscle shirts, short skirts, tank tops or anything with a team logo.

It is a shame that the MLB had to take actions into its own hands. This dress code shouldn't be necessary.

If any of the banned items were worn in the office, the employee wearing said clothing would be considered unprofessional and in need of changing room. Just because journalists are on the sidelines or at a training camp doesn't mean that they can let professionalism stop at the cubicle.

Real world reporting may have a more relaxed look to it, but journalists are still on the clock. Their attire should reflect their professionalism.

Photo by Paleontour


Tabloid Journalism is Contagious

Video Blog 2


New Campaign Coverage

Presidential campaign coverage may look a little different here in 2011 and into 2012 than it has in previous elections. An article on Mashable reports that more Republican candidates are reaching out through media outlets, specifically social media, instead of appearing in public town halls and other campaigns.

The Des Moines Register shows that the appearances in Iowa by GOP candidates is low and that is affecting how local journalists can stay on top of coverage. Iowa, being the first state to caucus, is usually heavily targeted by candidates because of the implications that Iowa's vote has on the rest of the caucuses and primaries.

Kathie Obradovich, the Register's political columnist, says "It's hard to find candidates interacting with voters in a real natural way." She has been covering presidential campaigns for 15 years, and says that campaign tactics have recently changed from town hall gatherings to Twitter.

Journalists have to react to this change and take advantage of the immediacy that Twitter and other social media sites provide. Additionally, Twitter forums allow for participation and questions from readers. Obradovich, for example, has begun live tweeting campaign events.

With the changing platforms for news outlets, journalists need to make sure that they react quickly and use these platforms to their upmost potential.

photo courtesy of Creative Commons


Reporter Breaks Embargo with Sony

A film critic for the New Yorker, David Denby, recently broke an embargo with Sony Pictures after previewing their new movie The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Denby had agreed not to run his review until December 13 but, went back on his word and published it his magazine's December 5 issue.
While an embargo is often worth the paper it is written on, which it isn't, it comes down to honoring your word as a journalist.
I highly disagree with Denby's and the New Yorker's decision to run the review as it is a clear use of deception to gain access to journalistic information before their peers.
They site that there will be a lack of space available in the magazine due to the amount of "important" movies coming out through the end of the year.
What important movies? I'm sure they're talking about Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked or We Bought a Zoo, right?
Denby needs to face fact; he lied in order to prescreen a movie and violated an embargo in order to be first to publish.
In my eyes he has lost credibility in the journalistic world an it will be a while before he gains that trust back.


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