Cyber Monday vs. Black Friday
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

E-commerce tracking company called Akamai tracked 1,333,336 global page visits per minute.
Roughly 96.5 million planned to shop on Cyber Monday last year and this year 106.9 were estimated to participate in shopping on Cyber Monday.
National Retail Foundation (NRF) said that a lot of shopping will be done while working their jobs roughly 70 million Americans.
Just because shoppers choose to avoid the madness of the store's door busters doesn't mean they are not getting a good deal. 88% of retailers have a promotion for Cyber Monday.
Only with in the past years has this way of holiday shopping really grown. More and more online stores are having their largest coupon for products to purchase during the holidays.
This does not mean Black Friday doesn't do well in sales. The day continues to hold up it's far share of deals and high profits for stores.
I feel this in a way can be comparable to newspapers online and actual news print papers. No , not majority of the people in the world are going to stop shopping at the stores on Black Friday or other days during the Holiday season.
However, a lot more people are choosing to do their shopping online and this number has grown more in the past years. It will continue to grow because it is easier for people to avoid huge crowds and get their shopping down fast and easy.
Like above people can shop for presents and do their work at the same time.
This number of online shoppers around the Holidays I feel will continue to grow each year and it could potentially passing the people who go out on Black Friday. Or it may not but the number of online shopping will stay a strong number.