Want to be seen in Times Square? Like Corona.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Corona Light is turning to Facebook in efforts to attract more young consumers. According to a recent blog, all you have to do is find the Corona Lite Facebook group, "like" them, then upload a photo of yourself on their Times Square app.

And if you happen to be in the New York City area any time between November 8th to December 6th, you may just see your face over Times Square.

While this may not seem like someone over the top, it is interesting that no one else has ever really tried this before (as far as companies go). What better way to attract more consumers than by offering them the chance to see their face blown to mammoth proportions over one of the busiest cities in the US?

Not only may this mean more sales for Corona, but Times Square may also see a surge in tourism, with people wanting to chance seeing themselves.

It also appears as though Corona is attempting to be somewhat responsible, because whenever I attempt to go to their Facebook page, it simply redirects me to my homepage. While this may be a glitch, I also feel as though this may be happening due to the fact that I am under 21. I think this is a smart move on their part, because they will look more responsible to parents and potential future business partners.

If more companies tried this form of advertising, do you think they would have the success? Like Corona's Facebook page, and see if your face appears on Times Square.


Why Journalism is Shaped by Search Engines

Being in the age of the internet, when we look for news, where is the first place we go?


But what about from there? Usually to Google, or some other type of resource commonly known as a search engine.

Search engines anymore are the channels that take us directly to an online news source. Whether it be a news website, a blog, forums, or any number of online-based periodicals, search engines direct our flow of gathering news. By typing in key words or phrases, the 'web master' knows to collect all relevant materials that could supplement your search...in mere seconds. -Talk about efficiency.

But often times the channels search engines use gets cluttered with a lot of the 'junk' that's out there. So while you may search for a specific topic or item, the likelihood of getting results that seem unrelated increases.

For journalists, this is incredibly problematic if you want your work to get read by the most readers possible; you want to be the first search result that comes up on any designated search or browser.

As more and more news gets shifted to online sites and in digital form, news writers must be aware of the many changes that are occurring in the methods which people gather their news.

Ross Dawson is a globally recognized entrepreneur and speaker, specializing in business strategies and consultant work for various firms. Dawson recognized seven key issues to consider as news continues to make its way on to the world wide web.

1. Traffic online provides substantial media income.
The more hits an article or a site has in a given time frame, the more money that source receives from advertisers also wanting to get views for potential sales.

2. Headline writing is becoming its own art form...and possibly even a science.
You won't just bring in the traffic by having a play-on-words field-day in a headline. While it may seem witty, you can't deceive the readers. If they expect one thing, but find another when they actually get the article, they'll leave immediately. Headlines need to be sharp and to the point, but compelling enough to draw in an audience.

3. Feedback has become faster and more accurate.
Instead of mailing in to the editor of a paper, readers can post replies, critiques, and reactions in a comment box below an article in seconds. Editors can easily read up on responses to news, see what's the most popular, and organize the top viewed news quickly. It makes balancing advertising and editorial interests much easier.

4. There must be a balance between commercial interests and media integrity.
No one wants to be overwhelmed by advertisements...and especially if they influence readers' opinions of the news. Ads need to be positioned in objective areas so they don't distract from the news itself. -Otherwise the audience won't want to read the story.

5. Recognizing that content influences search visibility.
Writing search engine-friendly text helps information get searched more easily. By using keywords, links, and trending topics, journalists can assess their audience to know what they're looking for. By doing this, the rate at which their news will be viewed increases dramatically.

6. Performance-based pay for journalists will increase.
A lot of writers only get paid for what they write, and some get paid on how much their work gets viewed. This is known as pay-per-view journalism. If journalists know their livelihood depends on writing, they'll be more intentional on making it search-friendly to get more views...because everyone wants to get paid.

7. Using advertising to gain online traffic.
As much as ads can be a pain, they're the sustaining factor of a search engine. Without them, companies like Google, Bing, and Ask.com wouldn't be able to sustain themselves for very long. Some ad companies have even begun 'bidding' on frequently searched terms as a way to gain traffic and support their own agenda.

In short, the online mode of news gathering, specifically through search engines, can change the way we view and interpret the news. By recognizing these changes and their impact on journalistic writing and reporters, it can help shape our attitudes toward this 'new' medium.
(so when newspapers eventually die out, we have a suitable 'back up plan')


Better to Threaten Than to be Nice

Interestingly enough, a study, done by the University of Arizona, shows that threatening government agencies works better than taking the nice and friendly approach.

This study sent different government agencies letters to request public records. Some agencies were sent a friendly and polite letter, others were sent neutral letters and the rest were sent a "legalistic letter that threatened litigation for noncompliance."

Of the friendly and neutral letters sent out, half responded. Surprisingly two thirds of the agencies who received the threatening letter responded back, and more quickly to top it off.

To most the friendly letter would seem to get more responses. "Treat other how you want to be treated", right? Guess not.

To have a better chance at getting the information and in a timely manner sending a threatening letter is your best option.

Student Press Law Center offers assistance to journalism students looking to obtain public records from stubborn government agencies.

Many still say to first use the friendly and polite approach because it can result in a more pleasant response. Then if this doesn't get journalists what they want they should send them a
threatening letter.


Rumors Upgrade From Bathrooms To CellPhones

Back when I was in middle school I found out all the gossip from the bathroom doors or by word of mouth. No matter what it is rumors are bad, but people still continue to spread them or talk about them.

Today rumors are spread easier and faster due to easy access of text messaging, e-mail, and other forms of social media like Facebook. One simple click of forward and the original message can be send to anyone on a contacts list.

In an article I read this is exactly what happened to a Duke student. She made a list about some one's sexual life and all their partners and sent it to only three people and before she knew it basically the entire campus knew about it.

She did not intend for it to spread at all and not that fast. She talks about how she regrets sending the message out. This is why you have to be careful what you say and who you tell things to.

When it comes to the Internet anything posted or submitted because it is that easy. Especially videos, pictures, and conversations. Anyone can post a video now a days to hurt some one's reputation.

It is starting younger and younger because kids ranging from 3rd-5th grade now have cell phones. It is crazy to think that little kids have this technology and who knows who well they are monitored with it.

Like the article says technology is not all bad. It is a good thing to be knowledgeable of it. However, people need to use it for the right things and not to bash other people's reputations.


New Trend in Social Media

Facebook and Twitter have quickly become a huge part of our lives. We are connected to these sites whenever, and where ever. With them easily accessible through our laptops, iTouch, or mobile device. It doesn't stop there.

There are many social media sites that offer things that others do not. For example, Facebook is used more for staying connected with those in your network. While Twitter is more news informational by having links connected to their posts.

A recent social media service such as Stickybits and Bakodo allows a user at any given moment to let any smartphone owner to pull out their device, load a barcode scanning application, scan a code and complete activities or gain access to large amounts of immediate relevant information.

This creation of social media and barcode scanning is making it's own name called "social scanning." This barcode scanning behavior is used at a location tool for those who like to share their location with friends on sites.

Stickybits allows users to add video, text, photos and audio to the barcodes they scan in the physical world via iPhone and Andriod apps. Barcodes also help people tag, share and connect around items.

There is also a program called "Official bits" that allows companies to be more brand friendly to claim their brands and to highlight their own content.

iPhone has an app from Bakodo that first came out at as a comparison shopping tool but is now converting to more of a social scanning status.

I wonder how long this social media will last, because the act of scanning a barcode other than working at a store seems odd.


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