Slowly Fading

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

By Kellie Green

While going through some sources online and trying to decided what to write about, I began to think about how I only search online for ideas about the news. Why is that?

One of things that I noticed, is that almost every newspaper and even news channel has their own website. It is just easier for people to go online, then to watch TV or pick up a newspaper.

It is easier now for newspapers to have websites because most people use the Internet more and more each day. Instead of having to go to pick up The Des Moines Register or The New York Times, you can just go to their website.

What really got me interested in this topic is that I was reading an article found on Google News. The article was about a man that is the descendant of George Washington.

The article had referenced that historians couldn't get much information about the descendants of President George Washington till the Internet came around. They were able to get more resources and information with the internet then they could without it.

This made me really see how dependent our society is on the Internet. We use it for everything and things like newspapers, TV and radio are slowly fading away. Will Internet take over everything? It's a question a lot of people ask everyday.


Newspaper commercials in the next Super Bowl?

by Peter Merchlewitz

Can you recall the last time you saw an advertisement for a newspaper? Perhaps at a baseball game or maybe on the side of a bus? Truth of the matter is that we rarely ever see ads for newspapers anymore, and it might be hurting sales of newspaper companies. eat sleep publish brings up the interesting fact that the only time when newspapers actually advertise, it actually makes news.

Think about it. Each day, how do you receive the news? Internet? Podcast?

I doubt that there is any product in the entire world that can "sell itself." Everyday, companies everywhere pour millions and millions of dollars into ads so that they can maintain or increase sales. *cough* Super Bowl ads *cough*

And is there really a problem with people trying to sell you something? Actually some people believe that advertising newspapers is an affront to the whole industry.

Let's image that you were at the Iowa State Fair and one of the food vendors was selling deep fried praying mantis. It might not sound very appetizing, but you buy one anyway and as it turns out, they're very tasty? Would you be mad at the vendor for getting your money or would you be glad for finding a new tasty treat?

So how would that be any different for a newspaper company advertising their product, thus giving you good news?


Risky Business

By: Alex Jones

Journalists are always being put in dangerous situations. Seeking out the most current news can often leave them in foreign countries in times of war.

Two American journalists have recently gone missing while vacationing in Lebanon. Working for Amman-based paper the Jordan Times, the journalists have not been heard from since October 1. 

The two journalists were in a part of Lebanese that was known for having violent acts against Americans. These violent acts were supposed to be even more prevalent during the first part of October. 

Taylor Luck one of the reporter's gone missing has not used his credit card since October 1. This seems like a grim reminder of how dangerous the journalism profession can be. Sometimes risking your life for the opportunity to report the most newsworthy story.  


The blame game

By: Callie McBroom

There is a new debate about which bloggers and journalists have taken sides against their peers. The debate deals with who is to blame for the failing newspaper industry. On one side, the key players--Roy Greenslade, Paul Farhi, and Adrian Monck say that it is not the journalists' fault. And, Jeff Jarvis takes them on by asserting that it is the journalists' fault.

Jarvis says journalists failed to see, and even resisted, changes and opportunities presented to them. They also got too comfortable in their positions. Jarvis argues that the internet can allow newspapers to change the relationship newspapers have with the public.

The other side blames the shifting revolution in technology and recent hard economic times. They say readers have abandoned them. All are forces completely out of journalists' control they believe. “Journalists and journalism are the victims, not the cause, of the industry’s shaken state,” says Farhi.

No matter what side you are on, however, the situation is what it is. Even with changes in technology and hard times ahead of them, newspapers will have to stop passing the blame and make some real changes if they are going to save their own skins.


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