Religion, politics, and the media
Saturday, November 22, 2008
By: Katie Anthony
Everyone knows that in the election, religious affiliation was a strong deciding factor with many voters.
However I for one, did not realize how much of the media focus was on Barack Obama.
Overall, 53 percent of the total religion covered was spent on Barack Obama's affiliation-and pathetically enough, most of that number was spent covering the affiliation that isn't true.
John McCain and Sarah Palin combined only got a total of less than thirty percent.
President-elect Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim, and it saddens me to think about how much air time was wasted on false information and petty rumors.
And yet, perhaps that's what the media will focus on now-false information and petty rumors over certain candidates religious affiliations.
I think they could find something of a stronger benefit to fill that airspace with.