Photo sharing website alternatives

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flickr and Facebook have excelled in the social media and specifically, sharing photos, but there are others out there that still have yet to be discovered.

Of the many out there, here are three alternatives to Flickr and Facebook:

SmugMug focuses on making photo sharing easy for the user to sell or display photos in his or her online gallery.

The difference with SmugMug is their concern with the
safety yet easy access of your photos.

You can use a password to protect either one or all of your photos along with custom watermarks to protect your photos especially if you plan on sharing with other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook or StumbleUpon.

Although there are costs to use SmugMug, there are also apps to be used on the iPhone, iPad and Android.

2. Path

Path is a personal photo sharing site that also has its own app. Because its focus is on being personal, Path limits users to 50 connections.

The intention behind the limited connections is to give your connections and sharing a more personal feeling.

Path is unfortunately not the best site to use for a portfolio to network with potential employers.

Picplz is actually an app that is designed to make photo sharing on Facebook and Twitter simpler while checking into Foursquare at the same time.

The main focus of picplz is being mobile. In addition to being mobile, picplz also allows users to apply certain filters to the original photo.

This app is free and also offers a free account on the picplz

For more on photo sharing websites click here.


Nicole Gilbert December 1, 2010 at 12:17 AM  

These sound like great and interesting websites to share photos. I was not aware of basically all these sites. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown June 25, 2014 at 3:53 AM  

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