Journalists criticizing movie critic journalists

Friday, September 19, 2008

By: Hannah Pickett

In a recent entertainment article I read criticizing movie critics was journalistically interesting. The MSN writer was criticizing movie critics in general. Aren't movie critics just journalists who form opinions about blockbuster movies?

The MSN writer discusses three main criticisms of the movie critic profession.

1. They have the dream job--getting to see movies before everyone else. 2. The "geezer syndrome" saying that the current critics have been around since the beginning of time. She goes on to suggest that they shouldn't allow critics over the age of 30. 3. They have no respect for the superhero movies. 4. Lighten up. The writer thinks that movie critics need to realize they aren't criticizing Shakespeare, but rather modern writing and acting.

The MSN writer believes that we are the true movie critics-bloggers. Movie critics for print and broadcast are a thing of the past.

If a journalist specializing in criticizing movies' job is becoming obsolete, when will other journalism professions follow?

In a nutshell, the MSN writer thinks that because of her view of the average movie critic's age, movies don't get the reviews they deserve. Would this be considered age discrimination?

You think of age discrimination in the professions that are in the spotlight. A journalist to end his/her career at the age of 30 because they are considered "ancient" in the industry is insane. Movie critics are just journalists publishing their opinions on a film.

In the journalism world, how old is 'too old'?


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