Pay to Read the News?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

By Ryan Franker

Four big companies sat down with the Newspaper Association of America. They are trying to find a way on how the online newspapers can get money from their online articles. But charging the readers is the biggest concern the newspapers have. The reason the newspapers are wanting to start charging their readers is because the journalism business is struggling really bad right now with trying to keep up with the technology and their readers. Making their readers pay to read articles online would be one way to make sure that they are getting some money in from the articles that are being written.

If you think about it, you have to pay to read a hard copy of the newspaper, so why not charge that same amount online, and you can read the paper for a whole day?

Google has come up with a way to charge people for reading the articles on Google News. Google like the idea of having an open media source, but they don't want it to be free. They have proposed a idea of Google Checkout. The reader would have to sign in to access the newspaper or articles. The payments that could be done is a basic subscription to the newspaper, or a micropayments, which is you pay per article that you would like read.


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