Make Tweets More Like Headlines

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Being a new tweeter myself I am still getting used to the in's and out's of what and how to say what you want in 140 characters.

One Twitter user offers some pretty good advice.

While you have 140 characters it doesn't necessarily mean you need to use each and every one of those to say as much as possible.

Instead of having diarrhea of the fingers you should try and make you tweets more like a headline.

You all remember back in the good old days when newspapers were still around when the headline was what captured a reader's attention.

Well, while we still have newspapers and more than enough online it seems people are forgetting that less is more. So get to the point people and save space for other things, such as hashtags or a link.

Here I will offer a few pointers from not only the article I read but also my Beginning Newswriting and Reporting Professor.

First off, always aim for the "active voice". Make your subject do something rather than have something happen to them. It's catchier but passive is sometimes acceptable as well.

Next, ditch the conjunctions and articles. You can simply replace conjunctions such as "&" with a comma. No one cares about, and really need the "the" to get the point across.

Abbreviate when possible, it save's time and space. The final piece of advice offered in the article is to not capitalize every single word in your headline.

So, take this advice everyone and make your tweets shorter, snappier and more like a headline.


LogannRoberts September 28, 2010 at 11:08 PM  

Being new to Twitter, it's been kind of hard for me to learn exactly how to use it and what to write. All the tips you just shared make sense for conveying news well and are very helpful to myself and any other beginning journalist.

Paul Salais October 5, 2010 at 2:36 PM  

I completely agree. These tips should definitely be considered when using Twitter. Although we have gone over this in class, I think these points are always important to bring up to remind us to stop and be straight and to the point. The cartoon in your article is hilarious and an eye catcher.

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