Tuneful Journalism

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

As we all look into the future and contemplate where we would like to end up in our careers, one branch of journalism that is often overlooked is music journalism.

Like any other current event, social or political issue, or sports story, music is news too. Not only is music news, but there are endless aspects of the business that need to be covered.

The obvious components of the music industry that need to be reported on include awards shows, concert tours, new breakthrough sounds, and album releases. However, there is so much more to the industry.

Aspects of the music world such as new recording techniques, and covering issues regarding the industry itself are often overlooked.

In an article published by the Seattle Weekly the ups and downs of the music industry were portrayed.

Many music journalists can often be overwhelmed with new music to the point where it blurs together. After listening to so much they are not able to form good opinions on each new artist or sound.

As a result of this, it is important for music journalists to listen to each new track, record, or artist with an open mind. If journalists are constantly comparing new music to sounds they have already heard, the content of their writing becomes mostly negative.

Many music journalsits get tired of always critiquing. A main part of a music journalist's job is to listen to, and review new music. It becomes a very difficult job to fairly judge someone else's artistic ability and career work.

Many artists and journalists have expressed how hard interviews can be. In the article in the Seattle Weekly one artist was quoted as saying that they just get fed up with cut and dry interview questions. They made the point that if readers and journalists really care about their art form, they will ask questions that have deeper meaning.

So, as developing journalists, that is a point we need to keep in mind. Always do research before an interview no matter who you are interviewing. The interviewer will be much happier to answer deeper, more personal and relevant questions than questions that don't really matter.

Photo Credit: stuartpilbrow on Flickr via CreativeCommons


Ben Lucas March 1, 2011 at 11:57 PM  

I honestly never considered music journalists before. I think it would be interesting, but like anything, it could be a little boring to do the same thing over and over. I think the best way to beat that as a music journalist is to perhaps follow different types of groups around on tour, writing a kind of experiential column or blog about the things you saw and learned. I'd want to read something like that.

Katie Buchholz March 2, 2011 at 12:31 AM  

I agree with Ben. I never really considered music had a form of journalism too. It is just so overlooked. I would think it would be extremely tough to critic people everyday of something they love and created. I wouldn't mind reading an experiential column or blog about different tours. It sounds pretty interesting!

Unknown March 2, 2011 at 10:18 AM  

I think being a music journalist would be a lot of fun. Journalism is a large field that covers many areas. I too have never considered music as being apart of journalism.

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