Where does journalism end and media begin?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A book by Ronald Bishop recently sparked interest, and increasing concern, about what is really journalism? More: The Vanishing of Scale in an Over-The-Top Nation begs the question I have also began to ask, where do we stop? http://baylorpress.com/en/Book/272/More.htmly

With so many personal details of our lives being divulged countless times throughout the day, I must stop and wonder when do we decide enough is enough? Today, everyone seems to first: have a story to tell, and second: a strong opinion to go with it. Not only are we contributing to this, but Bishop says these personal places in our lives are being assaulted with trivial messages everyday. This is where the lines begin to blur with journalism.

We are begging to accept the casual, non-expert input as real news. It is in reality, a sort of media obsession rather than true reporting that we are settling for instead of seeking stories and information with real depth and information.

New outlets in social media have made it very convenient to get "news," but that "news" has lead to a new scale of consumption as indicated by Bishop. I know that I fall into this trap, and going to make a conscious effort to seek out more than what is easy and support those who are attempting with their work to take a stand for true journalism and reporting.


Mike Tweeton August 28, 2011 at 6:40 PM  

Great post Megan. Bishops views raise a great question: what is news? Is the unqualified muck of the everyday nonsense that is being considered news actually clouding our vision of what is really important? Is this what makes a good journalist great - the ability to discern what is pedantic and what is didactic? Or more importantly, the ability to effectively relate what is truly important to the general public.

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