The election does not involve sports.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

By: Jessica Hamell

I was watching a football game last night on ESPN and for the half time show they played interview from Obama and McCain. I know by doing this the sports news channel was affecting many people who hadn’t yet decided what they wanted. Their web-site also has a link to ABC so you can go straight to election stuff. Is it necessary for a sports channel to play stuff about the election?

Later last night on E!, a channel that follows news about celebrities was tell people to vote and what they thought about Obama. MTV does the same thing with their “Choose or Lose” campaign. A channel that normally focuses on music and news about music.

Watching news about sports is an escape for people. I know this election is very important but news channels need to stick to what they do best. If you are good at covering sports or celebrities that you should stick with that. We have gotten enough news about the election everyday for pretty much the past year. We don’t need even more when we are trying to relax.


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