Scary future
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
By: Lexie Hagerty
On NPR's website, I read a small paragraph about the future of the T.V. once this election is over.
I have never really thought about it before, but the election is a great revenue for T.V. stations and once the election is over, that revenue won't be there. Of course, the economic downturn has a lot to do with future downturn.
This is a very scary subject to me. As a college student, I want there to be more jobs available once I graduate. I don't want the economy to downturn and leave me in the dirt.
However, everyone keeps telling me that it will bounce back and everything will be all right by the time I graduate in three years. The way I see it, though, is if a popular, entertaining business like a television show can't survive in this economy, then there is definately no hope for me in the business world.
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