Google Wave

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Technology is evolving everyday and that is why the way reporters gather information has to evolve as well. A plausible way to do this is to use Google Wave. It is a blog site that many of the top and most current reporters use and is a great way of scoring information.

Wave helps build relationships between reporters and common people and allows everyone, through blog, to keep up with the most current information. It allows reporters to find people who are highly educated on the exact topics they are researching and it is a blog site so it is much more effective than tweeting to get information due to the depth of the others responses.

Being apart of a blog on Wave is much different than the traditional one-on-one interview system of old. The blogs allow credible sources to post what they know quickly and efficiently and that allows other reporters to feed off what they find out. This helps shape the posts of the other sources you are receiving and helps form a new and efficient way to get credible sources.

Many criticize Wave because anyone can post and the inaccuracy of normal people may not hold up to that of professional reporters. No one knows if Wave will stand the test of time but it is a new and efficient way of getting sources and information.


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