Less is More...But is it Really?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
There are many things that differentiate news blogs from newspapers. The main difference is many news sites do not have enough money to hire a news room full of professional reporters due to the lack of advertising or investors, which leads to less experienced and fewer journalists working for the online site. Bloggers typically consist of newly graduated journalists and interns who will work for less money.
So how is a news site affected by this?
With fewer Journalists fewer stories are covered. News sites can still succeed with limited reporters with limitations on full-bodied news. To keep up with the times it is common to see newspapers that have an online version along with their printed version. By doing this they have the availability to post breaking news along with printing a weeks worth of full-bodied news. It is a well known fact that the printed newspaper makes less money today than it had in the previous years but it still makes more money than most news websites.
Will the printed newspaper die out? I think eventually yes, but we must walk before we run and embrace ourselves for the era of printed and online papers until online news sites can find a way to become more profitable than the printed newspaper.
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