Wikileaks will remain on Facebook
Monday, December 6, 2010
As Wikileaks abides by the rules, Facebook continues to allow theWikileaks fan page to exist on
the dominant social media site.

Major sites like Amazon and PayPal denying access to the Wikileaks organization bring up the question, who's next?
Facebook will not be one of the companies following suit. "The Wikileaks Facebook fan page does not violate our content standards nor have we encountered any material posted on the page that violates our policies," which was used after in depth research by Marshall Kirkpatrick with ReadWriteWeb's.
While Facebook is keeping Wikileak's Facebook fan page intact, Twitter is not speaking about the removing or keeping Wikileaks on there social media platform. Twitter did say that they are not removing the "trending topics" from their site.
So while the criticism continues to flare about the Wikileaks controversy, the Facebook fan page continues to grow and is close to one million followers.
I think it's great that Facebook isn't ditching WikiLeaks just because everyone else is.
I understand everyone is getting pressure from the government to boycott WikiLeaks but as your article states Facebook has no reason to remove them from Facebook.
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