Turkey Takes the First Steps

Monday, October 24, 2011

Devastating and tragic events happen all over the world at any time. Most countries take pride and start cleaning up right away after a disaster.

However when New Orleans was hit by a hurricane and when Parkersburg was hit by a tornado they waited for the government to take action instead of taking pride themselves.

Turkey recently had a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the eastern part of Turkey. Most of the eastern side of Turkey was wiped out leaving 264 deaths and 1,300 people injured reported CNN.

Surrounding community members were devasted but never gave up hope for missing family members. Turkey citizens took the first steps of cleaning up by piecing through debri.

Citizens worked day and night cleaning up this mess never once waiting for help from their government or other countries. Due to many health service builings collapsing and houses destroyed people gathered at a camp fire to stay warm and to receive support.

CNN has many video clips showing the teamwork that Turkey demonstrated. CNN also captured the Prime Minister and the Health Minister chipping in their efforts as well. CNN also admired their efforts and hope Turkey demonstrated.

Never once did Turkey ask for help or cry out to government officials instead they got to work and started right away without hesitation.

This article is inspirational, positive, and should be motivation to all societies and countries. All countries, states, and cities should be able to provide for themselves. Leave the government out of issues that can be taken care of by the people, the government has enough issues already.


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