Digitalized America

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today's world is filled with digital technology and it is hard to imagine our lives without it.

Much of today's technology makes it convenient to perform tasks in the journalism world. Many devices are now available for you to be able to write, access news, friends, information, and entertainment from where ever you may be.

These days it seems as if everyone has a cell phone and/or iPod or iPod Touch. Both of my grandmothers own one and so does my youngest cousin who has had her cell phone since the 6th grade.

Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project researched seven main appliances of today's age.

Research shows that now 85 percent of Americans now own a cell phone of some kind and is also now a necessity of modern communication. Another fact is that 96 percent of Americans ages 18-29 own a cell phone.

47 percent of Americans own a MP3 player such as an iPod, iPod Touch, or Zune.

Recent technology like the iPad, Kindle, and the Nook are vastly changing today's journalism by making paper media available through their services. These devices are proving their popularity and have a steady increase in purchases.

When you sit and think about how our nation has evolved it makes you realize that we can still only move forward.


Coach Kate Petersen October 19, 2010 at 8:06 PM  

I was actually expecting these percentages to be much higher. I suppose that shows my age group. Everyone I know has a cell phone, an ipod, a high tech laptop--EVERYTHING. A elementary school student I mentored had a Black Berry when she was in the FIRST GRADE.
It is clear that America is obsessive when it comes to technology! Not only is Journalism changing because of this technology but a large part of Journalism is ABOUT this technology. I've read more about new Apple products than I've read about the war in Iraq...again, that probably has something to do with my age group. This technology is geared toward my age group... I'm curious to see what the news will focus on in 20 years.

Victoria Jones October 19, 2010 at 9:31 PM  

While technology is a wonderful thing that i'm very thankful for I also think that people are so wrapped up in being connected through social media that they can lose contact with those right in front of them.

Also, I didn't get a cell phone until I was 17 years old. Even though I hate not having it on me I look back and realize I made it by just fine without a cell phone for 17 years of my life. I just think it's ridiculous when these young kids in elementary are getting cell phones. Why do they need them?

Jesse A Stewart October 20, 2010 at 5:46 AM  

I honestly thought that many of these numbers would have been higher considering the amount of people I see using technology today. Our society has become so dependent on all this technology that I'm shocked more people do not have cell phones than 85% of Americans. Now iPod's I can understand the number but cell phones not at or close to 100%, that just baffles me.

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