Straight Statistics of Americans and their Technology
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Americans' technology have an increasing amount of ownership throughout time whereas some of the newer devices haven't taken off yet.

Cell phones are popular among the digital age are seen just about everywhere you turn. Eighty-five percent of Americans now own cell phones and 96 percent of 18-29 year olds own a cell
phone of some sort.
Desktop and laptop computers will almost be a necessity in the near future. Seventy-six percent of Americans own either a desktop or a laptop computer.

Although the rising popularity of the mp3 player has not reached its peak, it is still lower than I anticipated for the statistics that I found. A little under half of Americana adults own an mp3 player, which was an increase from the 11 percent in 2005.
A step down from mp3 players, gaming consoles such as the Wii, Xbox, or PlayStation, are shown to be owned by 42 percent of Americans.

Among the newest devices such as the e-Book reader and tablet computers, five percent own a
e-Book and only four percent own a tablet computer.
The statistics are based on a survey of 3,001 American adults (ages 18 and older) conducted between August 9 and September 13, 2010. Download the document HERE for specific detail on the statistics.
I think technology is great! But I wonder how dependent we are on it...
There's so many things that I have access to that I take for granted, and quite honestly, I would probably go insane without them. Examples: my Macbook. My phone. My iPod.
We're so heavily dependent on technology as our lifeline to the world that it's almost scary...
Now should we sit under a rock for the rest of our lives? No.
Should we seclude ourselves to a dark corner & devote ALL of our time/energy into the technological & online worlds? Probably not.
There needs to be a balance of technology & actual interpersonal dialogue/functioning in both our social & professional lives.
But regardless, good use of statistics here Paul. Good article, too.
I agree with Erin. Technology is such a wonderful thing but it's made some people's communication skills go down the drain.
So much communication is done through technology anymore and we've lost the face to face advantages.
Society needs to stop being so dependent on technology as their means for communication and take the time to set all their technology (cell phone, laptop, iPod, etc.) and spend actual time with a person face to face.
We are very dependent on technology, and if it gets taken away from us we go insane.
Think of how frantic we become when we cannot find our phone, or if Facebook is down and we need to check something.
Technology is a great thing, but in some ways I feel we take it for granted.
I can definitely agree that technology is a great thing, but I find that it can almost be stressful at times. We feel the constant urge to be checking our devices and connecting to others, which is a huge time commitment.
Your blog was very informative and I found the statistics to be very interesting. I'm just wondering how long it will be until all these devices are merged into one "do-it-all" device, and nearly 100% of people will own it.
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