iCloud Takes Over iTunes
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
iTunes has always been a great resource for songs. iTunes only cost 99 cents per song and keeps you away from illegal downloading. However due to a recent technology called iCloud, iTunes is now getting the cord cut from Apple and moving towards higher technology.
iCloud has 200 new features which will keep you busy for more than a couple weeks. Of the 200 new features the most proud features Apple offers is a notification center, reminders, and iMessage. All three features work together to create a line of access between multiple devices.
iCloud not only out does iTunes by offereing easier access to music it also provides e-books, backup, and document storage. You can also access iCloud through your iPhone which makes iCloud more available.
iCloud does offer many great features but some critics argue that Apple was also the inventor of MobileMe which was an epic fail. The good news is that iCloud has the feature iOS 5 which is a more promising upgrade and Apples soulution to the MoblieMe problem.
Another problem critics raise deals with PhotoStream. PhotoStream captures pictures and backs the picture up by iOS 5 so you will never lose a picture. However, the only time you can use PhotoStream is when you have internet access or Wi-Fi.
iCloud is recommend mostly to Apple users or providers. Windows won't get much from iCloud because most of the remarkable features are used through Apple products.
The big picture comes down to iCloud being more available. Instead of hooking your i-pod up to the computer to buy songs you can do it cordless through iCloud. The songs from iCloud will transfer over to your iPhone making them available in your phone and i-pod.
Technology is continuously updating and changing so keep up with the latest creation from Apple and become a member of iCloud. Start using this creation today to make life easier.
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