Something left out

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

On Friday, September 26, Brandon Routh, the actor who played Superman in the new Superman movie, attended Simpson College. He was here supporting Obama. I was a lucky student who got to hear his speech.

Something that I noticed while in attendance to Routh speech was all the photographers that were there. There were three or four photographers that were taking photos of Brandon Routh. As I was deciding what to write for this blog I came across one of those photos on Google News.

The photo was of Routh giving his speech in Simpson College's Brenton Student Center. However, the article underneath the photo had nothing to do with Routh's visit to Simpson.

The article focused on the early voting process. The article doesn't even mention Simpson College or really any purpose for having the photo of Brandon Routh. So why did they put the photo with this article?

I know that, at Brandon Routh's speech, he did talk about the early voting process and talked about how students should take advantage of it. The article mentions this idea but not that it was being discussed with college students. It doesn't even mention Brandon Routh.

When writing an article how does the publisher decide what photos, if any will go with it. It just made me question how the process works.


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