Do Cartoons Belong in Journalism?

Monday, September 5, 2011

In today's world of media hype and quick hitting news, journalists are constantly looking for new ways to stay on top of the game.

I will admit, I don't pay much attention to the front page headlines, or try my hardest to keep on top of the day-to-day on-goings, but one thing I usually turn to, is the cartoons. Why is this? Possibly a little comical relief, or my background in illustration, or maybe because I don't have a desire for much else. But not unlike myself, many people tend to enjoy this portion of every news paper, but is it really news?

It all depends on how you look at it. Obviously, the common cartoon strips that are found in almost every major paper in the country can go be viewed positively or negatively. Some people think it is vital the papers as it helps drive up their daily margins, but others may view it as nothing more then a filler. But when it comes to political cartoons, many people tend to get very animated.

Political cartons are a very important historical aspect as they convey powerful ideas pertaining to specific periods of time. During the political campaigns, short clips may work to convey a presidential hopeful's political views, or portray the exact opposite and slander their ideas. During times of crisis, especially era's of war, they may help to rally a nation behind their troops, or tell of a trying battle. During the Spanish American War, William R. Hearst was quoted in saying "you furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." to a prominent artist of the time, Fredrick Remington.

Political cartoons have had a long prominent history within our news, but as the new outlets develop that allow readers to gain instant access to information anywhere in the world, it is hard saying where they will stand, or if they will even have a leg to stand on.


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