Alternate Forms of News Media

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

As the news skyrockets from Egypt, journalists are adapting to the lack of Internet by using satellite phones in order to update the global community about the violent protests in spite of Hosni Mubarak.

Twitter is one of the top media forms being used among journalists in order to recall current events to the public. Ben Wedeman, a reporter in Egypt for CNN, has been tweeting newsworthy updates by using quotes from sources he has conversed with as well as commentating on his own observations.

The next source of media being used is Facebook. Nicholas Kristof, a journalist for The New York Times, has been covering the news through his Facebook page by reporting his observations and personal reactions of those experiencing the intense streets of Cairo.

Another form of media that journalists are relying on consists of Live Streaming and YouTube videos. Since the Egyptian authorities have closed the Cairo bureau and revoked the press credentials, Al-Jazeera journalists are calling in anonymously to report protests to the news organizations Live Stream. Also, Russia Today and other news organizations have been posting videos that show acts of protesting through YouTube.

The last form of media being used is the Tumblr Curation. Tumblr has created an Egypt page which allows journalists to post updates, videos and pictures from Ciaro. This page allows viewers to sort through the most relevant and current posts pertaining to the media.

News media can be reached anywhere at any time through a various amount of sources, allowing society to always be up-to-date with the most current events around the world.

Photo Credit: Metaprinter,


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